Thursday, May 26, 2011

19岁的生日 (last teen year) ^^

24.5.1992 我出身的日期...一路走来有着很多很多疼爱我的人.诗筠,不懂从何谢起.你们的爱已感受到了.今年的生日收到三个蛋糕两次的庆祝.其实,真的很感动.以后,我可以骄傲的炫耀曾经有那么一群朋友疯到午夜12.00来帮你庆生,多令人羡慕~ ^^ 不是开完笑,那是我生平第一次! 珍惜的要命了...




想说...朋友,不要只顾着羡慕"我的" >.<  (*别人*)幸福而觉得自己一无所有.她是因为懂得知足所以幸福.

我不再许下让自己多成功的愿望;相反的我希望就算我一辈子都那么的无能还会有很多人来爱我帮我疼我. 嘻嘻~~神吧?!?我伟大的愿望!!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


想要飞 却怎么样也飞不高
也许有一天我栖上枝头 却成为猎人的目标

每次到了夜深人静的时候 我总是睡不着
幸福是否只是一种传说 我永远都找不到

想要飞呀飞 却飞也飞不高

想要飞呀飞 却飞也飞不高

所有知道我的名字的人啊 你们好不好
世界是如此的小 我们注定无处可逃
当我尝尽人情冷暖 当你决定为你了的理想燃烧

想要飞呀飞 却飞也飞不高

想要飞呀飞 却飞也飞不高

想要飞呀飞 却飞也飞不高


Thursday, May 12, 2011

Stop Compare !

 Result was out yesterday. Finally passed. Thanks for the guys who help me in revision. I don't have any things in return you all but I am here to stay beside you any time you need my help.
 Many students got excellent results. However most of them do not satisfy with the results. Looking for better is a good attitude but dont let yourself always stay in stress. Come on. We are human, if you did your best. That's enough. Stop compare yourself with others. How many effort you put how many harvest you get. Sometime, we totally can't make balance of our mind to see those guy put less effort but get more. Yeah, you are right. God is not fair. Really not fair. He make everyone different. He let the person who are stronger to face more problems on the way to success because he believe on us. He believe that we are the one who can handle all the difficulties. Others can't, that is why we are choosen by him. ^^ Therefore, stop yourself to compare. You are not happy with your marks? How about the one who don't even has book to read? We do has the opportunity to study and we do try our best to do it well. Nothing else we do to regret, right?
 This is just the way I console myself . Unhappy things hold 9 per 10 in our life. Let the annoyance go only the pleasure stay in your heart.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


  It is the time I stay alone. Great for me to refresh my mind, write and share. Next week gonna be second year student. Proud with that I am safe to stay. Finally moved to new unit with 2 new housemates and 2 previous housemates on 2nd of May. I didnt catch any photo of previous unit but I believe friends which close with us have been there before. For sure I miss it. Do you? Just as a 'stranger' or 'friend' to our unit, do you have memories in there? Pasta day, group study, gossip, celebrations and many.
  Holiday make changes in my hair. First time cut it from long to short. Good bye to my 6 years long hair. When I was sitting in the barber shop, took almost half hour to decide. I tried to call mum and friend too for suggestion but no one pick up my phone. God, I shaked. I wana change! Just hope get ahead in everything. Cut. Luckily you all accepted it. Not bad. When I never long hair, 13 has a big determination for I must make a long long hair. After 6 years, I made a bigger determination for I must try to cut short my first long hair.

long straight

 Is that possible another changes? We look forward too.

long curly
If nothing ever change, there'd be no butterflies. Tomorrow will be another change.

 short !!!
Do has the idea to change yourself, guys? It is worth no matter lost or gain as you learn more and get ahead. To be brave but humble.