Tuesday, November 5, 2013


雨过天晴 的 随意 是多么耗费心力的演技
如果不是被爱伤得彻底 谁会把自己关得那么紧
最痛的不是美好变过去 是未来草木皆兵的多疑
谁能把我在回忆的阁楼里面 拉出来
不自觉闭上眼睛 皱着眉头
闻到玫瑰的香味 却 不敢接受
要是 可以 没有人愿意被隔一道小小的窗
其实 多羡慕天空的云朵飞得好自由


滴嗒 滴嗒 仿佛听见圣诞老人的铃声隐约响起了
紧接着 就会迎接新的一年
然后在你还没回过神来 爆竹声噼里啪啦的 
最怕过节 因为会显得特别孤单
时间 会证明一切
我很喜欢现在的自己 不想回到过去
回忆很美 所以 再次提起 就别再落泪

Thursday, October 24, 2013





但直觉告诉我 爱情其实是我们心中的
一种信仰 一种向往 一种真善美的追求
信则有 不信则无
什么海枯石烂 什么白头到老
真所谓秀恩爱 死得快
是欲望 ~
在爱情里 不但要有 热诚(PASSION) 还要有 信仰 (FAITH)

Sometime you may be really sad with the time you can't make your dream true.
I really know the feeling.
But,do you know what's great about dream ? 
You can have a different dream.
Just like the way you dream every night in your sleep.
You can just dream another dream.
You aren't throwing your dream away, but having a different dream.
You may think it was the "first"...
You just need to make another "first"...
You may not know what, who, when that will be.

Once upon a time, I thought it has a requirement to love or being love.
NOW, I think it in this way...
When you truely love someone without any condition, you become qualified to care that person.

Doing something "for" someone...
is when you keeping an eye on them.
Not ignorance or neglect but like I said, just watching them.
Truthfully, it's the hardest thing to do. 
Although it's difficult, it does help the relationship to stay strong for a long period of time.
Can you ?

Friday, October 4, 2013


在一开的时候你就想好了 你希望你后来呈现的是什么 你想要看到什么

那其实你的过程 不管多累多辛苦 你都可以 因为你知道你要什么

一起训练的时候 你会觉得两个人是朝同一个目标 一起去跑 去完成这件事

全身很累 瘫在那边 

可是心里有很舒畅的感觉 我有很多很多在身体里的脏东西跟不开心被纾解掉了

在跑步的过程当中 它不只是运动 它教你如何使用身体和放松它

我也想利用跑步 找到新的自己 

Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Vow

Someday, when we read these the story become PASSED.
Everything is IMPOSSIBLE to get back the same.
Choose to be SILENT this time and finally.
Finally ACCEPTED who you are and what you are going to become without any prohibit.
It's bring me a little surprise...no, it's really a big surprise.
They said nobody fault in a relationship.
Perhaps, the charming of us get lost eventually only darkness followed us.
I owe you a "SORRY"...forgive me to make everything mess up before you run away.
Didn't really mean it to change you but transform you to be the better of mine.

Never ever try to change a person if you love him/her.
Accept the way they are. If you couldn't then you never deserve the best of them.

The Vow
I accepted who you are from now but you just no longer of mine.
The only promise and it's the last things I could do in the end of the story.

单身不可怕 如能诚实的放下 相恋很可怕 如何甜蜜的欺诈